Saturday, 26 December 2015

Great possibilities of Vitiligo Treatment in USA

Colour loss is the only available sign in vitiligo which only can be verified after onset of vitiligo. This proves that vitiligo is actually symptom less. Vitiligo is a self-generated disease as it occurs due to autoimmune reasons in which body defence system starts to destroy its own cells and tissues and harms the melanocytes melanin producing cells which stops melanin pigment production and a vitiligo spot is formed.

Treatment for vitiligo in USA is dominated with modern allopathic system of medicines but the efficacy and resukts of such chemical treatment is already not impressive and in most of the cases the disorder gets much complicated after onset of such treatments.

Vitiligo is curable through correct and specialised Ayurvedic Herbal treatment. It's true that newer cases gets faster recovery whereas older cases take time to heal. If someone got affected by Vitiligo, he or she should not get panicked as getting stressed can lead to fast spreading due to it's psychosomatic relation. One should start following diet restrictions as soon as possible for vitiligo management and spread control. After that they should consult an Ayurvedic Vitiligo Specialist for treatment of vitiligo. Vitiligo cure can only be possible through Ayurveda as other treatments can only provide temporary results and can complicate vitiligo as seen in numerous cases.

Some lifestyle changes, yoga, meditation can also help along with specialise Ayurvedic Herbal vitiligo treatment for faster cure. Strict food and diet restrictions should also be followed in terms of getting faster success in treatment of white spots.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

How to restrict Leucoderma from spreading

         How to restrict Leucoderma

Leucoderma is a skin disorder which affects the mental status of a sufferer. Nobody can ignore its impact over a patient’s life. The day it starts with colour loss over the skin it creates great pressure in a patients mind thinking him/ her that they have been caught with an untreatable disease which is completely untrue.
Leucoderma treatment is possible though Ayurveda but it needs special care. Ayurvedic Vitiligo Specialist can manage and treat Leucoderma successfully.Various modern treatments actually with suppressive medicines like steroids complicate vitiligo and make it partially untreatable.If a patient with recent onset of Leucoderma starts treatment from Ayurvedic Vitiligo Specialty clinic then there are more than 99% chances of its cure.
Leucoderma spread can be restricted by some measures:

  • Patients should take authentic customized Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo or Leucoderma as it is considered safest treatment for leucoderma
  • Patients should be guided not to use any suppressive treatments like steroids
  • Other treatment like Homeo treatment also starts spreading at first.
  • Protection from a cut, scratch or burn is recommended
  • Diet restrictions like stopping Vitamin C etc. will help in control spreading
  • Lifestyle changes can help a lot in control of Leucoderma
  • Swimming restriction will help to stop new spot formation
  • Timely medicines with punctuality can help in faster Leucoderma treatment
  • Yoga practices can’t be ignored as it helps a lot in rejuvenation
  • Meditation of all kind will help in Leucoderma spreading control
  • Socialising with family and friend can ease the mental pressure which could be of lot of help in control and restriction of Leucoderma
Among all mentioned measures the most important is to start a correct Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma as soon as possible and follow the directions of the Vitiligo treatment Specialist.


Monday, 5 October 2015

How to deal with Vitiligo-Leucoderma treatment

Sudden appearance over skin makes Vitiligo very dangerous and influential among the diseases. Moreover it does not cause any pain physically but mentally it is painful and much depressing disorder which is socially of much importance due to its appearance.
Vitiligo is expanding with a fast rate in recent times. The percentage of vitiligo sufferers are on high side. Basic reason behind this could be drastic change in lifestyle, food habit changes, untimely food intake, uncontrolled use of insecticides and pesticides in green vegetables and fruits, adulterated food products and milk etc. Other reasons may include regular mental pressure.
Dealing with Vitiligo should be done with natural ways. One thing has to be noted that it is always advisable that in Vitiligo condition all the chemical treatments should be avoided. Chemical treatment may include allopathic medicines for temporary suppression and could be immunomodulators which could not only be complicate a case but could lead to make the case untreatable also in some cases after recurrent use of these. External topical applications also uses such chemicals which can aggravate spots during use of it or after stopping the uses.
Treatments with artificial UV lights have similar effects as during uses whatever pigmentation is restored, can vanish after stopping light treatment.
Some Homeopathy treatments also can aggravate the spots in very initial stages and could be devastating.
Safest treatment for Vitiligo is done through Ayurvedic herbal medicines which works on the root cause, improves metabolic system and restores pigmentation over white spots. The role and uses of herbs in treatment of white spots are very important as these work without any side or adverse effects. The line of treatment in Ayurveda has two aspects as immunity improvement and balancing and pigment restoration over the white spots.
Vitiligo and Leucoderma can be sealed with experience of a Ayurvedic vitiligo specialist in which advises matters the most to the patients. Some dos and don'ts advised by a Vitiligo doctor could lead to faster pigmentation over the skin and can control faster spreading conditions also.
Food restrictions are of much importance in vitiligo as vitamin c, fermented food products, sour items, junk food intake ale etc are strictly restricted in white spot condition.
Intake of fresh food is advised always which can help in dealing better with vitiligo.
Dr. Ravish kamal who is a BAMS Doctor and An Ayurvedic Vitiligo Specialist at Ayurhealthline, the vitiligo clinic and has long experience in treating only vitiligo and leucoderma since past 10 years.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Importance of food restrictions in Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a silent disorder which when sometimes appears suddenly surprisingly without any previous symptoms. Basically a whit spot appears over skin due to fading of color providing pigment ‘melanin’. Reason behind absence of color pigments includes non production of melanin pigment by melanocytes cells. Disturbed immunity system could be a vital reason behind non function of melanocytes cells. Immunity disturbance can happen due to improper metabolism. Bad food habits, odd food intake, improper hygiene and various other food related things can disturb metabolism of human body. Lifestyle related acts like regular climatic changes can disturb it. Frequent surrounding temperature changes can also disturb it. Other lifestyle related acts like chlorinated water swimming regularly can harm it and in reaction a white spot can appear.

Ayurveda approach to treat vitiligo is based on herb based medicines which helps to promote pigmentation and to stabilize disturbed immunity. Along with herbal Ayurvedic medicines food restrictions are also of much importance in vitiligo.

Generally the diet restrictions for Leucoderma are advised to control the spreading of white spots and to provide better pigmentation and healing.
Treatment based on Ayurveda guides thoroughly about food and diet restrictions in vitiligo.
The diet restrictions are not only important during treatment of vitiligo but ant white spot sufferer can follow that which can help them to control the spread of white patches.

Vitiligo food and diet restrictions include full direction about what not to take in leucoderma. Vitamin c or Ascorbic acid is strictly restricted in white spots. Vitamin C can be found mostly in citrus fruits and many other fruits like pear, pomegranate, guava etc. Similarly curd & yoghurt are restricted as they come under fermented items and all fermented food items should not be taken in vitiligo. Other restrictions include food products with preservatives or chemicals should not be taken. Carbonated drinks can't be taken in this condition. Alcoholic beverages should also be avoided as they are formulated after fermentation. 

Some helpful food items in Vitiligo include beetroot, carrot, copper glassful of water, chickpeas, dates, figs which can help in getting better and fast pigments during Anti vitiligo treatment through Ayurvedic medicines.

All the diet restrictions mentioned here are demand of Vitiligo disorder and if someone suffering from white spots starts following it, then it will surely help in spreading control of white spots. Thus the mentioned food restrictions for vitiligo are of much importance.


Monday, 24 August 2015

Vitiligo And Leucoderma Treatment

Vitiligo is a colour fading disorder which can happen due to reasons related to immunity in any person. In present condition the adulterated food products which we use in day to day life can also be a reason behind leucoderma and other autoimmune diseases. Actually it all depends on how better immunity you have and through which it gets disturbed. In some people immunity gets suppressed due to regular stress also. In few cases sudden trauma can be seen as sudden suppression of immunity. The disturbed immunity gives rise to a condition in which body cells and tissues starts destroying cells and tissues which is called "autoimmunity". It is considered the most prominent reason of Vitiligo.

Ayurveda also emphasised theory of food combinations which are odd and repeated intake of such food can disturb immunity and can give rise to diseases like vitiligo. Ayurveda also focuses on hygiene as a vital factor behind maintaining the immunity. Hygiene maintenance is compared to food adulteration in modern lifestyle.

Melanin is the pigment responsible behind maintains the skin colour. Complete or partial loss of melanin starts depigmentation over a skin area giving rise to a vitiligo spot. In leucoderma the colour of skin bleaches out due to absence of melanin. Generally it starts with a small spot and then forms multiple spots. Later on the small spots have the tendency to merge to each other and form a large white patch. Less blood circulatory areas are the pet areas of vitiligo such as bone joints.

Vitiligo Treatment options are much available in society. The choice of correct treatment can completely cure vitiligo. Treatment of White Patche should not be done with the help of steroids as it only suppresses the problem for limited time. And after that limited time it aggravate vitiligo with double pace actually making it complicated. Some other treatments like Ultraviolet Ray etc have the same theory of complicating vitiligo.

Homeopathy aggravates it rapidly and it's well known. So taking risk by choosing homeopathy is not advisable in vitiligo treatment.

The most acclaimed and safest vitiligo treatment is governed by Ayurveda only under guidance of a vitiligo specialist only. Ayurvedic treatment uses herbs which helps in promoting pigmentation over faded white spots. It also improves and stabilises disturbed immunity to check spread control. Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo is safe and have no side effects which is the best part and can be done in cases of small kids also for their vitiligo treatment.